December 29, 2023

New Years Resolutions - Cowgirl Style!

general, blog, horses, ideas, lists, lifestyle

Here it comes, the "New Year, New Me" bullshit.

But good news, you don't have to reinvent yourself to make a New Years resolution! We're coming into the new year hot and heavy - I can physically see 2024!

And let's face it. You can try "lose 150 lb. in three months" again, or you can make goals that are both realistic and achievable this and every year and not lose momentum before the year is up. Here are some ideas you can use and give your own spin!

Exercise 3 days a week.

Yes, only three. And even if it's only 10/15 minutes - you're doing it!

Start an emergency vet fund.

Because let's face it, horses and cattle are like toddlers and look for ways to get hurt. It's like they TRY to. You're going to need this later.

Clean out the tack and feed rooms

It's probably overdue. Pull everything out and sweep, wipe all tack down, and check dates on anything that might have expired that hasn't been used in a while.

Research supplements and start a nutritional plan for your herd.

Your vet is a great resource for this, or you can look to the internet, but researching your horses (or any animals) needs to find any protential nutritional shortcomings is always a good idea!

Make a health tracking binder for your horses/livestock.

My recommendation would be to have vet info on the first page, and emergency contacts. Each animal should have his or her own page (by name or ear tag number) so you can track anything from individual allergies, who got what medications, withdrawal times tracked, to specific markings/scars noted on each animal for sale theft prevention/recovery purposes. If your animals each have their own feeding regimen, this is also a great place to make notations in case you ever need to step away and have someone else feed your stock for a little while!

Spend more time desensitizing your horse.

Working with your horse to overcome fears is always a good goal! Building trust and training to be ready for any event is a great way to bond with your horse too!

Let me know if you have any new years resolutions you're going to give a try!